In diese Reihe werden ausgewählte Masterarbeiten aufgenommen, welche im Studiengang „Master of European and European Legal Studies“ entstanden sind.

Study Paper No 4/23

Accountability in EMU’s Intergovernmental Sphere
(Jacob Feddersen)

Study Paper No 3/23

The Use of the Constitutional Right to Human Dignity in the South African Legal System in Comparison to the Application in the European Union
(Timur Mete Öztunali)

Study Paper No 2/23

EU’s Approach to Abuse of Dominance concerning Online Platforms: A new Era for EU Competition Policy?
(Meltem Gündoğar)

Study Paper No 1/23

Coherence of EU Common Agricultural Policy Reform with the EU Green Deal Objectives
(Ibrahim Gündoğar)

Study Paper No 1/22

Half a Century Later: The Costs of European Development Policy on Grappling African Industries
(Julian Yaw Adom Osei-Bonsu)

Study Paper No 1/21

Veil-Piercing under American, German, and Taiwanese Company Law
(Lydia Chao)

Study Paper No 2/21

The Principle of direct effect by the court oft he Eurasion Economic Union – A Eurasian restatement of Van Gend en Loos in order to achieve further integration?
(Felix Toggi Sames)

Study Paper No 4/19
Queering European Union Law: Sex and Gender Beyond the Binary and Cisnormativity
(Inês Espinhaço Gomes)

Study Paper No 3/19
Poland, the Rule of Law and Human Rights. How can National Crises be adressed at the European Union Level?
(Margarita Anna Schuster)

Study Paper No 2/19
Establishment of Investment Court System under CETA and EU-Viet Nam FTA and its Compatibility with EU Law
(Shilpa Singh Jaswant)

Study Paper No 1/19
Post-Brexit European Union: Future of the English Common Law Influence
(Richard Mantosh)

Study Paper No 3/18
The Classification of Digital Labour as a Constitutional Problem: Mapping the Collaborative Economy for a Social Europe
(Smarika Kumar)

Study Paper No 2/18
Human Rights of Refugee Children in light of the Multilevel System
(Thais Rivera Barreto)

Study Paper No 1/18
Disclosure of Evidence under the Damages Directive: Conflicts and Compatibility between the ECJ’s case-by-case Analysis and the Rules on Protection of Immunity Recipients’ Information
(Matías Palma Rodríguez)

Study Paper No 1/17
Settlement Procedure in EU Commission’s Competition Law Enforcement – A „Negotiation“ Game between the Commission and Cartelists
(Rong Zheng)

Study Paper No 5/16
Drifting Away from the Safe Harbor: Re-Thinking Legal Privacy Protection within EU-US Data Flows
(Victoria C. Granda)

Study Paper No 4/16
The Multi-Level System of Human Rights Protection: An Examination of the Margin of Appreciation and the Right to Life
(Jennifer Hornibrook)

Study Paper No 3/16
The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the European Union’s Foreign Policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean (2004-2016)
(Marina Laura Pasquali)

Study Paper No 2/16
Aviation Alliances and the Competition Issues in the European and Indian Market: A Comparative Study Focusing on Code-Sharing Agreements and Frequent Flyer Programs
(Arnab Naskar)

Study Paper No 1/16
The applicability of EU law on procedural and substantive issues to arbitration proceedings
(Sebastián Aznárez López de Guereño)

Study Paper No 6/15
Public Procurement in the Internal Market: Free Movement of Goods and Freedom to Provide Services
(Visiola Pula)

Study Paper No 5/15
The Notion of the Rule of Law in the EU’s Rule of Law Promotion Activities
(Maryna Rabinovych)

Study Paper No 4/15
The principle of effective judicial protection when Member States implement EU law –
An analysis of the rules on access to court and standing for environmental NGOs in Belgium and Germany
(Celien Coltura)

Study Paper No 3/15
Regulation of Vertical Mergers under European Union Law: Lessons to Be Learnt by Other Jurisdictions
(Mrudul Dadhich)

Study Paper No 2/15
The EU’s Response to the Libyan Crisis -A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach
(Natalia Kroll)

Study Paper No 1/15
Investor-State Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: an Inescapable Necessity or a Trojan Horse?
(Agne Andrijauskaite)

Study Paper No 3/14
European Union Training Mission Mali (EUTM Mali) as an Example of the European Union´s Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Management
(Jan – Uwe Pettke)

Study Paper No 2/14
The Influence of the European Convention on Human Rights on National Law
(Yuliya Zaplotynska)

Study Paper No 1/14
Visa Policy as an Instrument of EU External Governance? The Case of Belarus
(Aliona Kadlubovich)

Study Paper No 4/13
The Chances of Success of the Europe 2020 Strategy – An Analysis against the Background of the Lisbon Strategy
(Lena Höpker)

Study Paper No 3/13
A Critical Analysis of Antidumping Policy at the Multilateral and Region Levels: The Potential Influence of Europe´s Trade Power for possible Reform
(Jiwon Sarah Lee)

Study Paper No 2/13
How the European Union assists SMEs in their access to finance:
measures and evaluation
(Nicolas Kohlmann)

Study Paper No 1/13
EU Competition Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy:
a case study of Contractual Relations in the milk and milk products sector
(Alice O‘ Donovan)

Study Paper No 5/12
The problems relating to the margin of appreciation doctrine under the European Convention on Human Rights
(Tamar Zhordania)

Study Paper No 4/12
Technical Barriers to Trade and Standardization Policy
(Ekaterina Khudina)

Study Paper No 3/12
Politicising Europe: the role of mass media and information and communication policies in establishing active EU citizenship
(Sarah Marshall)

Study Paper No 2/12
Coordination in multijurisdictional competition cases. Developing a „main impact principle“ in international law (Thea Freese)

Study Paper No 1/12
A constitutional leap, The Big Three and the Capability Expectation Gap: theorizing the never-ending story of framing a truly CFSP/CSDP
(Carlos Corts Díaz)

Study Paper No 2/11
Chances and Hurdles of the (new) Foreign Policy of the European Union
using the example of the European Role in the Middle East Peace Process
(Hannah Schöberle)

Study Paper No 1/11
Does European Regionalism lead to Separatism?
(Roland Brandtjen)

Study Paper No 3/10
EU Human Rights Policy in the UN Human Rights Council
(Kajetan Pradetto)

Study Paper No 2/10
Die Einbeziehung außerwettbewerblicher Erwägungen in Artikel 81 EGV
(Polina Bozhilova)

Study Paper No 1/10
Peaceful Dispute Settlement in the Context of the Boundary Dispute between Croatia and Slovenia
(Maja Simunic)