In diese Reihe werden ausgewählte Masterarbeiten aufgenommen, welche im Studiengang „Master of European and European Legal Studies“ entstanden sind.
Accountability in EMU’s Intergovernmental Sphere
(Jacob Feddersen)
The Use of the Constitutional Right to Human Dignity in the South African Legal System in Comparison to the Application in the European Union
(Timur Mete Öztunali)
EU’s Approach to Abuse of Dominance concerning Online Platforms: A new Era for EU Competition Policy?
(Meltem Gündoğar)
Coherence of EU Common Agricultural Policy Reform with the EU Green Deal Objectives
(Ibrahim Gündoğar)
Half a Century Later: The Costs of European Development Policy on Grappling African Industries
(Julian Yaw Adom Osei-Bonsu)
Veil-Piercing under American, German, and Taiwanese Company Law
(Lydia Chao)
The Principle of direct effect by the court oft he Eurasion Economic Union – A Eurasian restatement of Van Gend en Loos in order to achieve further integration?
(Felix Toggi Sames)
Study Paper No 4/19
Queering European Union Law: Sex and Gender Beyond the Binary and Cisnormativity
(Inês Espinhaço Gomes)
Study Paper No 3/19
Poland, the Rule of Law and Human Rights. How can National Crises be adressed at the European Union Level?
(Margarita Anna Schuster)
Study Paper No 2/19
Establishment of Investment Court System under CETA and EU-Viet Nam FTA and its Compatibility with EU Law
(Shilpa Singh Jaswant)
Study Paper No 1/19
Post-Brexit European Union: Future of the English Common Law Influence
(Richard Mantosh)
Study Paper No 3/18
The Classification of Digital Labour as a Constitutional Problem: Mapping the Collaborative Economy for a Social Europe
(Smarika Kumar)
Study Paper No 2/18
Human Rights of Refugee Children in light of the Multilevel System
(Thais Rivera Barreto)
Study Paper No 1/18
Disclosure of Evidence under the Damages Directive: Conflicts and Compatibility between the ECJ’s case-by-case Analysis and the Rules on Protection of Immunity Recipients’ Information
(Matías Palma Rodríguez)
Study Paper No 1/17
Settlement Procedure in EU Commission’s Competition Law Enforcement – A „Negotiation“ Game between the Commission and Cartelists
(Rong Zheng)
Study Paper No 5/16
Drifting Away from the Safe Harbor: Re-Thinking Legal Privacy Protection within EU-US Data Flows
(Victoria C. Granda)
Study Paper No 4/16
The Multi-Level System of Human Rights Protection: An Examination of the Margin of Appreciation and the Right to Life
(Jennifer Hornibrook)
Study Paper No 3/16
The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the European Union’s Foreign Policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean (2004-2016)
(Marina Laura Pasquali)
Study Paper No 2/16
Aviation Alliances and the Competition Issues in the European and Indian Market: A Comparative Study Focusing on Code-Sharing Agreements and Frequent Flyer Programs
(Arnab Naskar)
Study Paper No 1/16
The applicability of EU law on procedural and substantive issues to arbitration proceedings
(Sebastián Aznárez López de Guereño)
Study Paper No 6/15
Public Procurement in the Internal Market: Free Movement of Goods and Freedom to Provide Services
(Visiola Pula)
Study Paper No 5/15
The Notion of the Rule of Law in the EU’s Rule of Law Promotion Activities
(Maryna Rabinovych)
Study Paper No 4/15
The principle of effective judicial protection when Member States implement EU law –
An analysis of the rules on access to court and standing for environmental NGOs in Belgium and Germany
(Celien Coltura)
Study Paper No 3/15
Regulation of Vertical Mergers under European Union Law: Lessons to Be Learnt by Other Jurisdictions
(Mrudul Dadhich)
Study Paper No 2/15
The EU’s Response to the Libyan Crisis -A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach
(Natalia Kroll)
Study Paper No 1/15
Investor-State Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: an Inescapable Necessity or a Trojan Horse?
(Agne Andrijauskaite)
Study Paper No 3/14
European Union Training Mission Mali (EUTM Mali) as an Example of the European Union´s Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Management
(Jan – Uwe Pettke)
Study Paper No 2/14
The Influence of the European Convention on Human Rights on National Law
(Yuliya Zaplotynska)
Study Paper No 1/14
Visa Policy as an Instrument of EU External Governance? The Case of Belarus
(Aliona Kadlubovich)
Study Paper No 4/13
The Chances of Success of the Europe 2020 Strategy – An Analysis against the Background of the Lisbon Strategy
(Lena Höpker)
Study Paper No 3/13
A Critical Analysis of Antidumping Policy at the Multilateral and Region Levels: The Potential Influence of Europe´s Trade Power for possible Reform
(Jiwon Sarah Lee)
Study Paper No 2/13
How the European Union assists SMEs in their access to finance:
measures and evaluation
(Nicolas Kohlmann)
Study Paper No 1/13
EU Competition Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy:
a case study of Contractual Relations in the milk and milk products sector
(Alice O‘ Donovan)
Study Paper No 5/12
The problems relating to the margin of appreciation doctrine under the European Convention on Human Rights
(Tamar Zhordania)
Study Paper No 4/12
Technical Barriers to Trade and Standardization Policy
(Ekaterina Khudina)
Study Paper No 3/12
Politicising Europe: the role of mass media and information and communication policies in establishing active EU citizenship
(Sarah Marshall)
Study Paper No 2/12
Coordination in multijurisdictional competition cases. Developing a „main impact principle“ in international law (Thea Freese)
Study Paper No 1/12
A constitutional leap, The Big Three and the Capability Expectation Gap: theorizing the never-ending story of framing a truly CFSP/CSDP
(Carlos Corts Díaz)
Study Paper No 2/11
Chances and Hurdles of the (new) Foreign Policy of the European Union
using the example of the European Role in the Middle East Peace Process
(Hannah Schöberle)
Study Paper No 1/11
Does European Regionalism lead to Separatism?
(Roland Brandtjen)
Study Paper No 3/10
EU Human Rights Policy in the UN Human Rights Council
(Kajetan Pradetto)
Study Paper No 2/10
Die Einbeziehung außerwettbewerblicher Erwägungen in Artikel 81 EGV
(Polina Bozhilova)
Study Paper No 1/10
Peaceful Dispute Settlement in the Context of the Boundary Dispute between Croatia and Slovenia
(Maja Simunic)