C: Europäische Kommission
Paul Nemitz, Chief Advisor to the EU Commission on Justice and Consumers, has accepted an appointment as Research Fellow at the Institute for European Integration. This means that the EU law expert will now be involved in the Institute’s activities.
For an initial period of three years, Paul Nemitz will be granted the status of Research Fellow. This will enable him to contribute to the work of the Institute for European Integration in a variety of ways: Mr. Nemitz would like to advance the academic exchange on legal issues between Italy and Germany – for example, within the framework of the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum. He is particularly interested in reforms of the Judiciary and in new policy and legal developments in the quadrant between new Technology, Democracy, Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law, such as the regulation of Artificial Intelligence.
Before being appointed Chief Advisor to the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers in 2017, Paul Nemitz served as Director for Fundamental and Citizen Rights. In this function he led the work on the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR. Mr. Nemitz was previously a Member of Cabinet of the Danish Commissioner for Development Aid Poul Nielson and a Member of the EU Commission’s Legal Service. He is a visiting professor of Law at the College of Europe in Bruges and was a Member of the German Dataethics Commission. Nemitz published together with the Philosopher and Journalist Matthias Pfeffer “Prinzip Mensch – Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz (The human imperative – Power, Liberty and Democracy in the age of Artificial Intelligence)“ in the Dietz Verlag Publishing House.