Dr. Roberto Luppi, Villa Vigoni and Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta, Palermo

Dr. Chien-Huei Wu, Institute of European and American Studies at the National Academy of Sciences in Taipei

“EU-, China- and Taiwan-Relations”

Riccardo Samperi, University of Enna

„Protection of Fair Competition in the European Single Market against Distortions caused by Foreign Subsidies“

Former Visiting Fellows 


Paul Weismann, University of Salzburg

„Soft law and its importance in ensuring Member States’ compliance with Union law“

Alejandro Sánchez Frías, University of Málaga

„Judicial Harmonization of European Law through autonomous concepts (EULOGOS)“


Eric Maldonado*, University of Hamburg

“Bridging The Gap In Transatlantic Data Protection”

Stefan Martini*, CAU Kiel

„Before the Second Lisbon Decade – The Legal Discourse on the Future of European Integration“

Salomé Minesashvili*, Free University of  Berlin

“European Identity Discourses in the Contested Neighborhood of Europe and Russia: The Case of Ukraine”

Nataliya Stranadko*, Portland State University

„EU-US Climate Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement“

Vivian Stergiou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

„Sharing economy platforms and rating systems as consumer protection mechanisms  – Do ratings, stars and peer comments suffice for consumer protection?“

* The research stays of these scientists were financed by a grant from the Parliament (Bürgerschaft) of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg).


Lyudmila Igumnova, Irkutsk State University

“Official EEAS communications with Russia: crafting the image of Normative Power Europe”

Nilyufar Abdulatova, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent

“Transparency in the extractive industries as a legal tool for strengthening good governance: the EU approach”

Visiting Fellows within the context of the Fotar2018 conference:

Gorian Dominioni, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Area of research: Environment and Climate

Charlotte Hulme, Yale University, New Haven

Area of research: Environment and Climate

Sascha Lohmann, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin

Area of research: Trade and Investment

Hanna Pfeifer, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg

Area of research: Peace and Security

Elisabeth Winter, Free University of Berlin

Area of research: Trade and Investment


Amany Selim, University Paul Valery, Montpellier

„The Reception of Syrian refugees in Arab communities in Berlin: A reexamination of intra-ethnic relations in Western host societies“


Zamira Xhaferri, University of Maastricht

“Has the Introduction of a Novel Hierarchy of Norms by the Lisbon Treaty Achieved its Intended Objectives?”

Andrew F. Tuch, Washington University, St. Louis

“The Weakening of Fiduciary Law”

Giovanni Zampetti, University La Sapienza, Rom

“Signs of Crisis in the European System of Fundamental Rights: Protocol No. 16 to the ECHR and the Issue of the Accession of the European Union to the Convention”

Francesco Saitto, University La Sapienza, Rom

„European political parties and European public space from the Maastricht Treaty to the Reg. No. 1141/2014. A historical and comparative analysis“

Barbora Králicková, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava

„The alignment of competition rules, case study Slovakia“

Claudio Lombardi, Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, Moskau

„Analysis of the Kone case on umbrella pricing“


Mersilia Anastasiadou, Center of Eastern Studies for Culture and Communication, Panteion Universität Athen

“Economic Adjustment Programmes to cope with the Greek debt crisis and their implementation by Greece”

Darlis Mojarrieta,
University of Sydney

“Selection Policies for Skilled Migration in the European Union: Implementation of the EU Blue Card Scheme”

Sergiu Buscaneanu, Humboldt University of Berlin

„Regime Dynamics in Post-Soviet States: EU Democracy Promotion, International Influences, and Domestic Contexts”

Nargiza Kilichova, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt

“Competition Policy implications in cross-border merger transactions”

Marko Milenkovic
, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade

“Approximation of State Aid Control in Serbia to EU Law – challenges and prospects”

Discussion Paper 1/16




Alexander Salenko, Department of International and European Law of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University of Russia

Marianne Takle, NOVA, Oslo and Akershus University College

“Harmonisation of Categories and the European Border Control Regime”

“All European countries are not the same!
The Dublin Regulation and onward migration in Europe”

(Parts of the research leading to the above publication was done at the Institute for European Integration, financed through a grant by DAAD.)

Michele Francaviglia, University La Sapienza, Rome

“The balancing technique used by the European Court of Justice to solve the possible conflicts between fundamental rights”

Madalina Dobrescu, London School of Economics

“The role of EU civilian missions in security and peacebuilding processes in Eastern Europe”

Discussion Paper 2/15

Dumitriţa Bologan, Academy of Sciences of Moldova

“Foundations of Adjustment of the Republic of Moldova Competition Law to the European Union Competition Law”

Discussion Paper 1/15

Novitet XH. Nezaj, Government of the Republic of Kosovo

„Kosovo’s relationship with the EU, transformation into a market economy and its development of domestic competition law“

Discussion Paper 4/15

Discussion Paper 5/15

Discussion Paper 6/15

Claudio Lombardi, University of Trento

“Convergence of liability regimes in private enforcement of competition law: a law and economics analysis”

Anca Chirita University Durham

“Anpassung des rumänischen Wettbewerbsrechts an die Wettbewerbsregeln der EU” (Adaptation of the EU competition law in the Romanian competition law)

Göksel Kuşlu, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ankara

“Turkey’s labour market and social policies during the negotiations of accession with the EU”

Discussion Paper 3/15

Maris Butans, Latvian Competition Council, Riga

“Approximation of Competition Rules of New and Future Member States to EU Law: Latvia”


Nada Dollani, University of Tiriana

“The EU Origin of the Albanian Legal Regime on Product Liability”

Discussion Paper 02/14

Julia Iliopoulos-Strangas, University of Athens

“Soziale Grundrechte in Europa” (Social basic rights in Europe)

Dzmitry Bartalevich, University of Aarhus

“Convergence between competition control policies in the EU and the US”

Yesim Atamer, Istanbul Bilgi University

“Türkisches Verbraucherschutzrecht und dessen europarechtliche Bezüge”
(Turkish consumer protection legislation and its relations to European law)

Andrew Glencross, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen

“Democracy and European Integration in the Shadow of the Debt Crisis: Markets, Elites, and Voters”

Discussion Paper Nr. 3/13

Sergei A. Mudrov, Baranovichi State University

“The European Union and Christian Churches: the patterns of interaction”

Discussion Paper Nr. 3/14



Konrad Lachmayer, University of Vienna, Faculty of Law

“Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Europäischen Menschenrechtsschutzes am Beispiel der Verfassungsentwicklungen in Ungarn”
(Opportunities and limits of European Human Rights Protection under the consideration of constitutional developments in Hungary)

Khaydarali Yunusov, UNESCO Chair on International Law and Human Rights at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), Tashkent

“Decision making process within Eurasian economic integration: intergovernmentalism versus supranationalism”

Katalin Nagy, Kopint-Datorg Foundation for economic research, Budapest

“Mitgliedschaft der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in der Währungsunion – Risiken und Chancen”

Discussion Paper Nr. 04/13

Balázs Ferkelt, Budapest Business School

“Mitgliedschaft der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in der Währungsunion – Risiken und Chancen”

Discussion Paper Nr. 04/13

Endre Domonkos, Budapest Business School

Die Grenzen und die Zukunft der Kohäsionspolitik aus deutscher und ungarischer Sicht” (The limits and the future of the cohesion policy from the German and and the Hungarian perspective)

Yulian Tsolov, International Organisation for Migration, Belgrade

“Migration Challenges for the Pre-Accession Countries of South-East Europe”

Johann-Jakob Wulf, Andrássy University Budapest

“Macro-regional strategies in the European Union”


Dorian Jano

“Adopting and Implementing EU Legislation: The Case of the Potential Member-States from Western Balkans (2005-2009)”

Discussion Paper Nr. 2/12

Zamira Xhaferri

“Post-Lisbon Comitology: A Critical Approach”

Published in: Journal of European and Comparative Law (Issue 20/4, 2013).

Piero Cavicchi

“The European Commission’s discretion as to the adoption of Article 9 commitment decisions:
Lessons from Alrosa”

Discussion Paper Nr. 3/11

Andrea Gyulai-Schmidt

“Entwicklung der Europäischen Rechtssprechung zum Vergaberecht im Bereich der Dienstleistungen von allgemeinem wirtschaftlichen Interesse”
(Development of European law on public procurement in the area of services of general economic interest)

Published in: Vergaberecht, Issue 6/2012, pp. 809-833.
Further Information


Viesturs Pauls Karnups

“Latvian Foreign Trade and Investment with Germany and Russia: Past and Present”

Discussion Paper Nr. 4/10


Shiwei Shi

“Auswirkungen des Beitritts Chinas zur WTO auf die Wettbewerbspolitik in China: Eine institutionenöknomische Betrachtung”
(Impact of China’s accession to the WTO Competition Policy in China: A institutional economic viewpoint)

Discussion Paper Nr. 2/09

Jüri Sepp

“Industriestruktur als Ursache für Produktivitätsunterschiede in Europa: Das Beispiel Estland”
(Industry structure as a cause of differences in productivity in Europe: The Case of Estonia)

Discussion Paper Nr. 1/09