Book Collections & Service
The reference library contains approximatley 30,000 books and 50 journals in the fields of law, economics and politics under the aspect of European integration.
The books which have been acquired since 2004 can be found in the Campus-Katalog of the University of Hamburg. Older titles are researchable in the internal database LARS.
The use of the books and the computer workplaces with internet access is open to all members of the institute, members of the Master´s Programme as well as to external people, but only after a verbal agreement.
Compilation of relevant libraries in Hamburg:
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Carl von Ossietzky
Zentralbibliothek: HÖB Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen
The book collections listed below can be virtually perused on GKV, the Common Union Catalogue of the GBV “Common Library Network”
Bucerius Law School (limited rights of usage for external applicants)
Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Hamburg
ZBW German National Library of Economics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
The bookstock of the public libraries in Hamburg: