The requirements for admission to the Master Programme are:
- Graduation from a German or foreign institution of higher education (University level) representing a total of 240 Credit Points (CP) according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), preferably in Law, Economics or Political Science.
Applicants who have earned their first degree qualifying for a professional career representing a total of 180 CP have to make up for the missing 60 CP by a good performance in additional or practical training programmes in fields similar to those of the Master Programme. Proof of this may be submitted in form of professional experience, further studies, research activities, publications and the like.
- Very good English language proficiency.
Applicants shall provide proof of their English language proficiency by submitting one of the following tests:
- TOEFL with a minimum result of 100 (iBT)
- IELTS with a minimum result of 7,0
The test shall not date back more than three years.
Sufficient English-language proficiency an also be demonstrated with a degree from an English-speaking degree program. Applicants who are native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.