Freelance Market Researcher and Entrepreneur
nationality: Polish
lives in: Poland/UK
original field of study: Marketing Managment
Europa-Kollge Hamburg summer term 1997 (Ergänzungsstudiengang: Europ. Integration und int. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen)
other academic degrees: MSc in Econmics
“I always look back to the times spent in hamburg as to one of the most tremendous stays at a foreign educational institution. Not only it opended up my eyes on the interesting subject which is the European integration overall but it helped me to understand the sensible nature of the European law, the most fascinating theme I had been dealing with. Besides, what would be the Europa-Kolleg without its highly qualified, professional and approachable staff! What is more important, the multienvironment of colleagues from so many European (and not only European!) countries just cannot keep me down and bored! Last but not least, the Alumni-meetings re-unite and maintain your friendships and your knowledge on the top EU issues.”
e-mail to Joanna Soszka