The Europa-Kolleg Hamburg – Institute for European Integration successfully participated with a panel in the EuropaCamp of the ZEIT-Stiftung on 27 April. Under the title “Germany, France and Poland – How are the weights shifting in Europe?”, questions on the reorientation of the European Union were discussed in front of a good two hundred interested people in the large Hall K6 in Kampnagel. In particular, they discussed the currently very different visions of the future of the states of the so-called Weimar Triangle, Germany, France and Poland. The following guests were represented at the panel:
Niels Annen, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office and Member of the Bundestag
Dr. Barbara Kunz, Researcher at the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri)
Dr. Justyna Schulz, Director of the Institute for Western Affairs in Pozna
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, President of the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg