Prof. Dr. Behrens, Director at the Institute for European Integration, traveled to Tokyo and St. Gallen in the end of May and in mid-June, to give talks on competition law and private international law.
The 10th ASCOLA Conference in Tokyo was held from May, 21-23 and entitled “Abuse Regulation in Competition Law – Past, Present and Future”. The conference was organized by the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and by Meiji University. Prof. Behrens gave a talk on „Ordoliberalism and Abuse Regulation“, as part of the first general session of the conference.
On June17, Prof. Behrens held two lectures at the University of St. Gallen. The talks on „The Proper Law of Companies“ and „Freedom of Establishment of Companies“ were part of a lecture series entitled “Introduction to European and International Business Law”.