The expansion of universal human rights status, population fluctuations and international globalization processes have resulted in a far-reaching change in the traditional person-state relationship.
One result of these developments is the citizenship of the Union, established by the EU Treaty in 1993. The work treats this as a polyvalent concept that encompasses the entire legal relationship between the person and the polity of the EU and that has implications for the consolidation of the principles of the rule of law, equality, and democracy. The study takes up individual problems such as the free movement of persons, political participation rights, the protection of fundamental rights, and discrimination against nationals. It explores issues arising from the symbiosis of citizenship and European citizenship, that is, the dual citizenship status of the individual at both the national and supranational levels.
Overall, the work represents a comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of the legal status of the person in the “citizenship network” of the EU. It is therefore aimed at a broad circle of readers from the fields of law, political science and social science.