The current European policy debate about an EU constitution and about Europe’s geographical, cultural and political borders highlights only two aspects of a fundamental problem of the European integration process: the tension between enlargement and deepening of the community. The question of enlargement is connected with questions of Europe’s goals and identity and thus of its borders, while the question of deepening goes hand in hand with questions of a community of values, of the transfer of competences to Brussels, or of common policy areas. From the spectrum of these fundamental questions, the present volume deals with three selected topics that were discussed in 2006 in the context of two German-Hungarian expert discussions in Hamburg:
– What is Europe? What are its identity, values and borders?- What are the opportunities and risks associated with the last round of enlargement, the so-called “eastward enlargement”?- What new challenges arise in individual fields of Community policy, or where should Community policy be changed, and where should it be expanded? The contributions by German and Hungarian economists and lawyers address some of these highly complex questions.
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