Carsten Nowak
Prof. Dr. iur.
Research Fellow
Education: |
- 2008: Habilitation (venia legendi) Public Law, European Law and International Law; University of Hamburg
- 1997: Doctorate in Law (Dr. iur.) at the University of Hamburg
- 1996-1998: legal clerkship
- 1987-1993: Studies of Law at the University of Hamburg
Professional Career: |
- since 2010: Director of the Frankfurt Institute for the Law of the European Union (fireu)
- since 2009: University professor at the faculty of law, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) – Chair for Public Law, especially European Law
- 4/2009: University professor at the University of Siegen
- 2005-2008: Interim Professor at the University of Hamburg, at the University of Rostock and at the Technical University Dresden
- 1999-2004: Research Asisstant at the faculty of law, University of Hamburg and coordinator of the post-graduate programme Master of European Studies at the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg
- 1993-1996: Research Assistant at the Institute for Integration Research at the University of Hamburg and at the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg
Field of Research: |
- European Law
- Constitutional Law
- Administrative Law