nationality: Hungarian
lives in: Gödöllo/Hungary
original field of study: law/business sciences
Europa-Kolleg Hamburg winter term 1997/1998
nationality: Hungarian
lives in: Gödöllo/Hungary
original field of study: law/business sciences
Europa-Kolleg Hamburg winter term 1997/1998
Chief legal officer at the Office of Fiscal Council
nationality: Hungarian
lives in: Budapest/Hungary
original field of study: law, economics
Europa-Kolleg Hamburg 1996/1997
other academic degrees: Dr. iur., PhD
Lecturer (trade law)
Katholische Péter Pázmány Universität Budapest
nationality: Hungarian
lives in: Budapest/Hungary
original field of study: law
Europa-Kolleg Hamburg 1996/1997
Graduiertenkolleg 1997-2001
other academic degrees: Dr. iur., Ph.D.