We have added four publications of our class of 2018 to our series of Study Papers, in which we publish selected Master’s theses of graduates of the Master Programme in European and European Legal Studies.
The paper that was written by Richard Mantosh has the title “Post-Brexit European Union: Future of the English Common Law Influence”. It analyses the legal impacts of the Brexit and the future influence of the English common law on the European Union.
The master thesis of Shilpa Singh Jaswant, titled “Establishment of Investment Court System under CETA and EU-Viet Nam FTA and its Compatibility with EU Law”, deals with the proposal of the European Commission to introduce institutionalized investment court systems for current and future free trade agreements.
The master thesis written by Margarita Anna Schuster entitled “Poland, the Rule of Law and Human Rights. How can National Crises be adressed at the European Union Level” deals with the question of what possibilities the European Union has in the case of Poland’s judicial reform to protect its core principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
The master thesis of Inês Espinhaço Gomes is entitled “Queering European Union Law: Sex and Gender Beyond the Binary and Cisnormativity” and shows that the legal framework of the European Union does not explicitly protect intersexual people, transgender people and individuals, who do not fit into the binary gender spectrum, and what legal solutions exist for these problems.